Complete Advice
A complete advice combines the colour analysis with elements of the abridged version of the styling advice. Your personal styling question will be the starting point – you might be looking for a way to appear slightly taller, or have difficulty with putting together a business outfit, or simply have no idea what looks good on you! These questions can differ greatly between people and the complete advice offers you the chance to finally address them properly. Become aware of what colour and shape can do for you!
This package can be expanded to include wardrobe planning and a personal shopping session.
What is a complete advice?
- Colour analysis with colour sample fan
- Make-up advice
- Figure analysis and abridged personal styling advice, put together on a A4 sheet
- Face-shape analysis, with hairline and hair colour advice
With this advice and tips you will learn to balance your wardrobe and outfits in a single day. You will save time shopping, avoid bad purchases and benefit from the comfort of having a well-balanced wardrobe.